Find qualitative health care here, at Donna Kay rest home
What can we offer you?
In our rest home you will find peaceful state of mind and new breath of strength. Our team offers such services as: Adult Day Care, Respite Care, Home Care, Alzheimer, Dementia and Memory Care and our monthly free Support Group. If your parent, friend or child needs a place, where they can stay 24/7 and receives physical and mental states support – here we are. Also, in our facility we provide long term stay after illness or hospitalization.

Donna Kay Rest Home has been created for maintaining usual habits and activities of mature people. Our specialists are working 24/7 and always on the way to help you.
We are proud of working on improving lives of thousands of people. Our team does everything that is possible to stand by our residents to make sure that they are
happy and healthy.

Donna Kay rest home
Donna Kay rest home helps seniors live their best lives without problems. Older people begin to suffer from many chronic diseases and health problems that affect their quality of life, interfering with their normal daily life. As a result, their quality of life deteriorates, and it becomes increasingly difficult for relatives to give elderly care and the attention they need. After all, relatives need to take care of their own families. They remain alone with their diseases and gradually fade away.
What to do when relatives cannot, for some reason, take care of their loved one? In this situation, there is only one solution — a nursing home for the elderly and people with disabilities, which will supply high-quality round-the-clock care for your relatives, balanced nutrition, and constant medical supervision. Our staff will create comfortable living conditions for your loved one. Constant communication with peers will not let you feel lonely and not needed. We will provide your loved ones with the warmth and care they need.
Thanks to the professionalism of our team, and well-trained and qualified staff, we can give your relative full-fledged senior care and return the joy of life in every day lived.
Our mission
We strive to make sure, that every senior who comes to us finds himself in a comfortable atmosphere. Working on the principle of client orientation, we use an individual approach, caring for your loved ones not formally but sincerely with heart and soul. Our employees are always trained and time-tested specialists. Our multi-disciplinary care team includes physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered dietitians, rehabilitation specialists, and full-time nurse case.
What we offer
Our Rest Home in Worcester, Massachusetts, provides a range of aging care services. If you are looking for a place where your relative will not only be comfortable but always be under the supervision of doctors and nurses, you are on the right track.
The staff provides round-the-clock elder healthcare services and qualified assistance, supervision of the guests, and monitors their health status. We also offer balanced nutrition, developed by nutritionists, an individual approach to each client of our establishment, and constant physical and psychological health support. Many relatives of older people work, which does not always allow them to spend enough time with their loved ones; caring for elderly in a rest home is one of the best solutions.
Our services:
• Caregivers Support Group.
• Respite care.
• Personal care.
• Social work mental health.
• Supervision of medication.
• Residential care.
• Better Than Assisted Living.
Our team also offers Adult Day Care, Home Care, Dementia and Memory Care, respite care for Alzheimer’s patients, and our monthly free Support Group.
What should a nursing home be like? It is modern, well-appointed, and with first-class service. Only with this approach a person in the last years or months of life feels the care of attentive staff. It will allow the person to feel peaceful and not become depressed. Often, a strong desire to live makes it possible to overcome even serious illnesses when doctors have already issued a disappointing verdict. The main thing is not to leave a person alone with a sense of uselessness.
Our Benefits
1. Security
Donna Kay rest home provides on-call staff elder care for residents around the clock. It may be one of the most important things when considering care options because as we get older and our feelings worsen, just walking around the house can be dangerous. In our nursing home the staff is always ready to look after you.
2. Help is always at hand
Since seniors assisted living is 24/7, help is always at hand, day or night.
3. Companionship
Seniors often become lonely in old age. We offer you the possibility to socialize and interact with other people daily. Residents are approximate of the same age, which gives an ample opportunity to reminisce and chat about the fine old daytimes.
4. Regular and nutritious meals
Eating and drinking properly is often a principal concern, when it comes to the elderly and infirm. Getting the appropriate nutrients is essential at any stage of life, but perhaps even more so in old age.
In the nursing home, residents are regularly served food and drink according to their dietary needs to ensure they get the nutrition they need.
5. Peace of mind
If you have an elderly loved one, knowing that they are safe and always well cared for is reassuring. Temporary care for elderly or permanent, it doesn’t matter. If they have mobility issues, it can give them peace of mind and understanding that, if something happens, someone will be there for them.
As mentioned above, it is not uncommon for seniors to feel lonely as they may not be able to go out as often as they used to. If your loved one is in a nursing home, you can be sure there are other people around.
6. Sanitary and cozy living atmosphere
When you move into a Donna Kay rest home the days of taking out the vacuum cleaner or washing the dishes are over. A nursing home is kept clean, and residents feel as comfortable as possible. The nursing home will be warm and tidy. It means you don’t need to worry about household chores anymore.
7. Drug management
If your loved ones live at home, they may miss or take too many drugs. At our rest home, team can take care of this for them and give your loved ones medication to make sure they are taking it correctly.
8. Activities to keep the body and mind in shape
We always try to improve quality of living options for seniors and regularly host activities or events. It can be anything from music programs, exercise programs, restaurant-style dining rooms for patients and guests to courtyard access and guest meal trays.
9. Your own private room
Even if you move into a nursing home, you will still have a personal space to have a rest whenever you want. Our facility has several spacious semiprivate rooms, which means everyone has a roommate. Only private pay will be able to live by themselves.
We value your interest in our home. To consult your loved one’s case, cost of care homes, and amenities with our staff, please feel free to call us at 774-314-311